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Lactation Consultant Services

"The greatest joy is nursing one's own baby. The second greatest is helping another woman to nurse hers."- Norma Woolf Ritter


Package 1: Emergency Care for Breastfeeding

 A visit in your home when you recognize there is a problem with breastfeeding. I do my best to get there within 48 hours of the call. The visit is generally about two hours and I do a full history so that I have a clear picture of everything that has happened thus far, an exam on Mom and an exam on baby. I observe breastfeeding to see what changes can be made to help things go more smoothly. I offer as much information and support as I can while I am there. I then do up a care plan for you which is emailed within 24 hours. We stay in touch after the visit by phone, email and text so that you can feel supported after I am gone.



Package 2: Prenatal Breastfeeding Education 

Comprehensive prenatal breastfeeding session in your home. The visit is about two hours and I will go over everything you need to know to get breastfeeding off to a fantastic start. Have all your questions ready and I will stay until they are answered! 



Package 3: Prenatal Visit PLUS three home visits after your baby is born

 Prenatal breastfeeding session in your home, a visit to assist with breastfeeding sometime in the first few days of your baby’s life (at your convenience) and two additional visits to support you. By the time we are done working together you should feel very confident about breastfeeding your new little baby!



Package 4: Prenatal Visit PLUS two home visits after your baby is born

Prenatal breastfeeding session in your home, assistance with breastfeeding in the first few days of your baby’s life and 1 additional home visit at your convenience. You and baby will be off to a fabulous start!



Package 5: Prenatal Visit plus one home visit after your baby is born

Prenatal breastfeeding session in your home and one visit to assist with breastfeeding in the first week. A wonderful beginning with breastfeeding!



Follow-up Visits

Follow-up visits will be done in your home if there is a need and they are offered at a reduced cost since I will already have all the information from my previous visit. 



~Receipts will be provided as many work places have health coverage for registered lactation consultants (IBCLC)




"I just wanted to say thank you for reassuring and supporting us!!! Having you help us to get breastfeeding to a better start was the best investment we've done so far for our baby! Thank you! :) "

Katya, Edmonton

"Thanks for all your support and assistance. I'm happy to report that we are breast feeding only! I think we are ok to go it on our own from this point on! Had him weighed last Tuesday and he was 11.6 lbs- gained about 1.5lbs in two weeks! Yikes! We reached our goals in just over a month! I'm so glad I didn't give up as I would have regretted it. It feels so good to know my baby is getting all the nutrients and many other benefits from me! Your support and encouragement was critical in getting us back on track and reaching our goals. Thank you so much for that! It's a gift that can't really be repaid! However, I'd be happy to refer you to others who are experiencing breast feeding challenges! Be well and many many many thanks from baby L and I!!" 

Charyle, Edmonton

© 2014 by E. Davey. 

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Schedule a consult today  780-554-8475  
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